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Pages with the WCAG accessibility standard

Currently, many countries around the world are enacting laws that require public services to align their websites with international WCAG 2.0 standards. This applies to various types of public institutions.

We offer comprehensive services for auditing, development, and maintenance of websites that need to comply with WCAG requirements..

We have extensive experience in designing accessible websites, and we also provide ready-made solutions for creating websites compliant with WCAG. We have developed a range of templates for Joomla, themes for WordPress, and a collection of Joomla add-ons to meet WCAG requirements. 

Accessibility is a key aspect of modern web design, benefiting both typical users and those with disabilities or limitations.

Current trends in web design encourage the use of large fonts, high-contrast modes, keyboard navigation, and responsive layouts that adapt to various modern devices.

Skróty klawiszowe WCAG

What should be known about WCAG?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 are a set of recommendations for website creators and owners on how to adapt their sites to the needs of individuals with various disabilities. Internet accessibility standards have been created to ensure and facilitate access to the internet for everyone.

There are four main accessibility criteria:

  • Perceivability
  • Operability
  • Understandability
  • Robustness

Each of the mentioned principles includes specific guidelines and goals that developers or website owners should meet.

It is important to note that there are also three levels of accessibility:

  • A (single A) - must be met
  • AA (double A) - should be adhered to
  • AAA (triple A) - can be met

Here are some important guidelines:

Multimedia: Include a textual transcript describing video content, ensure keyboard accessibility for video and audio players, add captions, provide a toggle switch for on/off and volume control, and include alternative descriptions for graphics.

Text: Provide settings for adjusting font size and contrast, present page content in clear and understandable language, format texts as clearly as possible, use paragraphs, and ensure descriptive link texts.

Other elements such as tables, forms, and buttons: Proper formatting is crucial..

Contact us if you need help modifying or building an accessible WCAG 2.0 compliant website.